15 Down and Counting…

Wow. 15 pounds down. Thank you Apple Watch, Map My Walk & Lose It apps for tracking everything I eat and every move I make. Seriously, I couldn’t have done it without them!

Technology is amazing isn’t it?! But it still won’t make you change your mind about eating that hot fudge sundae that you had for dinner tonight because your kid wanted one.

This morning my technology woke me up at 5:15am. I did ask it to, because it was the ONLY time I was getting my walk in today and I wasn’t about to skip a day – plus I wasn’t doing it this afternoon after experiencing my FIRST mammogram-dang, that was uncomfortable-for like 10 minutes. (Sorry-Sidebar) It was pitch black outside. I drove to the parking lot and it was still so dark. I got out, stretched, got my audiobook ready (currently Amy Schumer’s latest memoir – The Girl with the Lower Back Tatoo) and turned my phone flashlight on….3 times I tried to talk myself into going back to the car. There was an animal (or two people going at it-who knows & I’m certainly not judging) making weird noises in the woods. So glad I wasn’t thinking about vampires or werewolves at that moment (clearly I thought about this later today) because I was so nervous I thought I could actually wet myself. And then I came across two different men along the path – scared me to death and because of the BS media that so horribly displays all that’s wrong with the world today, I was terrified they might be rapists and sent up silent prayers for my safety. So, needless to say, I survived, got to see the sunrise and managed to get in 4 miles today in about an hour! Sure made my calorie count look GOOD for today–which is why I’m not too worried about that sundae.

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